28,815,078 quizzes taken so far!
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Pooh Personality Quiz
Shy Piglet? Gloomy Eeyore? Hyper Tigger?
2,208,636 people have taken this quiz.
What Dog Breed Would You Be?
Woof! Ruff? Grrr!
1,109,843 people have taken this quiz.
What Color Are You?
Friendly blue? Cheerful Orange?
4,238,042 people have taken this quiz.
What Candy Are You?
Nerds or Laffy Taffy? This quiz is sweet!
3,242,748 people have taken this quiz.
What Pie Flavor Are You?
Mmmm, pie! What's your flavor?
969,127 people have taken this quiz.
Candy Heart Quiz!
What does your valentine candy say?
612,517 people have taken this quiz.
Completely Pointless Test
This quiz is completely pointless!
1,594,243 people have taken this quiz.
Get Your DJ Name!
Spin like a pro with your new DJ name!
5,140,389 people have taken this quiz.
Sweetheart Pet Name Generator
Need a special name to call your lover?
2,160,939 people have taken this quiz.
Internet Addiction Quiz
Can you live without the internet?
740,076 people have taken this quiz.
Discover Your Past Lives!
Ever wonder who you were in a past life?
4,671,522 people have taken this quiz.
What Style of Clothes Are You?
How would you be worn?
280,360 people have taken this quiz.
Your Zodiac Personality!
What sign matches your personality?
851,866 people have taken this quiz.
Create Your Own Band Name!
Got a band? Need a name? Rock on!
636,107 people have taken this quiz.
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